Is your secret dream to find out more about the culinary traditions of Tuscany and learn to make the specialities that reflect the rustic nature of this fantastic land? With our cookery course in Tuscany your dream will come true.

Cooking Classes, corsi di cucina in Chianti Classico region

Chiantilive gives you the chance to take part in a personalised cookery course for discovering all the secrets and ingredients for making typical croutons or bruschetta, fresh tagliatelle pasta with Chianina meat sauce, pappa al pomodoro (tomato soup), wild boar stew… lots of meat and fish dishes but also vegetarian menus. The fulcrum of this course is lunch time or dinner time when all the participants eat the dishes they have made together, all obviously accompanied by the best Chianti and Tuscan wines.

Our courses last 3-4 hours and can be organised either in premises available to us or at your home and include meals with three courses (appetizer or first course, second course and a desert).

Add a cookery course to your holiday in Tuscany for relaxing more among the hobs and the smells of select ingredients for enjoying a tasty and exciting experience.